Every Day with Shri Mataji


When it comes to real punishment, the punishment is that this law leaves you alone. It just lets you go. The attention recedes. That the worst thing that can happen to anyone. That you are not in the attention of God is the worst thing. So even if you make mistakes, it does not matter. Pray for the attention of God always because the attention of God is the law — the law of love. You cannot cheat it. Everything is known. Every word you say is known. Every word you do not say is known. Every thought that comes in you is known. So purify yourself with love and understanding. Try to purify and tell yourself that I have to purify myself as much as possible. With purification only you will have the proper strength. If you have not purified, then there will not be any strength for you to bear the truth. Once you bear the truth, your own life will convince people that you are divine. Your face will convince people. Everything that you do will convince people that you are divine and whatever you say, people will know it is coming through the Divine Force. (29.06.1980)