Every Day with Shri Mataji


Our connections are very loose and that is why this Kundalini cannot look after the Spirit. I wonder if you have noticed one thing in Sahaja Yoga, that you can manoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit. You can raise your hand, the Kundalini will move. You can manoeuvre it. You can give it a bandhan, it will go around and around and around. But what about the Spirit? You cannot manoeuvre it. There is only one mantra to awaken the Spirit in the sense that to please him you have to say you are the Spirit. But you cannot manoeuvre it. You have to bring in Kundalini to look after it. You have to take Kundalini there, to the heart, so that this child which is the little offspring just now has to be carefully developed and matured. (21.08.1983)