Every Day with Shri Mataji


To create an Incarnation, a lot of work has gone into it. So many things had to be envisaged. One had to have the vision that, when a human being is created, how an Incarnation can help him. At different levels, we had Incarnations on this Earth and they were sent with a particular idea that they should achieve a particular type of ascent in that particular time. They were all part and parcel of the Primordial Mother. And they all had a very powerful Kundalini built within them. But the Incarnation of this Kali Yuga is very complicated. First it had to be worked out what will be the situation in which this Incarnation would be born and what sort of encounters this Incarnation would have. So the major propelling force, the major work had to be done in the Incarnation to create a very strong spinal cord so that it could bear the Primordial Kundalini, which is responsible for doing this great work of transformation. (19.06.1990)